Yes, it’s absolutely safe. Our sellers have been checking and send you instructions on the use of services.

Yes. we accept escrow with verified partners. EscrowServices

All cards are safe for delivery and are not prohibited items. We make sure to send the cards in safe packages such as: greeting cards, magazines and more. In addition, our cards look exactly like a regular credit card with a high quality of printing and embossing. Even if the parcel is opened there is nothing to incriminate you.

Did you want’s me to add fake review same as some other store? They have every days a new good review, this is not strange for you?

We do not need review because we have been verified and trusted from many serious foorum like DarkNetVerified

Will accept Bitcoin and Monero.

All payment will be in USD.

To access at all our function you will need to have Javascript Enabled. But don’t worry we are in HTTPS with a Valid Certificate.